Professional and Continuing Studies to host education open house for UD employees Nov. 8
UD’s Carol Bedgar to share educational journey
October 20, 2017
“My biggest regret in life was not going to college,” said Carol Bedgar, administrative assistant for the University of Delaware’s Air Force ROTC program.
But that regret is in the past because Bedgar has been pursuing a bachelor’s degree in history at UD while working full time and using her UD tuition benefits.
“This is a dream to complete my degree, and the end is in my sights,” said Bedgar, who has been taking one or two classes each fall and spring for the last 12 years. “Every class and every year just go by so quickly I’m shocked how the credits have added up. Even the classes that I was terrified of, like math, when I completed the task, I felt like Rocky winning the fight.”
“I love the growth and wisdom I have experienced, and I love the students,” said Bedgar. “Now when I work with the students in our program, when they find out I’m in classes, they light up. They all come to me to compare professors, talk about papers and share stories about their classes with me. They view me as ‘one of them,’ and I can appreciate all the hard work and time commitment they also put into their classes. We have a whole new respect for each other and it’s awesome!”

Bedgar will discuss her experiences at the upcoming UD Employee Education Open House, where University of Delaware employees can learn more about education opportunities available to them at UD, including how to take advantage of their education-related benefits.
The open house will take place on Wednesday, Nov. 8 from 11 a.m.-2 p.m. in the Trabant University Center. RSVPs are requested.
Staff from Human Resources, the UD Library, Professional and Continuing Studies, Graduate Admissions and the Office of Equity and Inclusion will be on hand to answer questions and discuss available resources and opportunities.
Attendees will also hear from UD employees who have taken advantage of education opportunities at UD. Other mini-presentations will take place from noon to 1 p.m. covering:
- Free career and educational advisement at UD’s ACCESS Center.
- How to use your education benefits to enroll in UD classes or earn a UD graduate or undergraduate degree
- Additional workshops and training opportunities on campus.
Refreshments will be served. UD employees are asked to RSVP for the open house.
For more information or to RSVP write to continuing-ed@udel.edu, call 302-831-7600 or visit https://www.pcs.udel.edu/ud-employees/.