“I have always been involved in acting, but it wasn’t until after completing my freshman year at the University of Delaware that I decided to move to California and give it 100% of my effort. I did not want to take time off from school or transfer to another college – I loved the University of Delaware! – but at the time I didn’t know of any other way to continue pursuing my degree at UD and graduate on time.”
“I was skeptical about distance learning at first, but I had such an amazing experience with online classes at UD. The professors were so accessible, and the courses are set up in a way that really facilitates a wonderful learning experience.”
“I lived in California for my entire sophomore year and five months of my junior year, and ultimately received a role in the film “A Warrior’s Heart.” Between auditions, small jobs, and filming, it would have been impossible for me to attend scheduled classes, so the flexibility was essential: I would go out and film a scene and then go back to my trailer and watch a lecture or work on a paper. UD Online helped me connect with a college in California so I could take my exams. It was so easy to fit into my schedule.”
“I would not have been able to stay on track with my degree without UD Online. I would recommend UD Online to anyone, especially professionals who do not feel they have the time to go back to school or can’t afford to stop working in order to complete school. The professors are wonderful, the University is so accommodating and it was truly a wonderful experience for me!”
Lauren Minite is currently teaching middle and high school classes, including theater, at a private Christian school in Olney, Maryland, while pursuing a master of education in school counseling. “A Warrior’s Heart,” the film she worked on while a UD student, was released in 2011.